Virtual Exhibit

Land of Thundering Snow is a fully bilingual, unique, comprehensive resource giving the user unprecedented ‘behind the scenes’ access to material not generally accessible to the public. It features the latest information on avalanche science and safety; avalanche control; the anatomy of an avalanche; staying safe in avalanche country; and the ecology of avalanches.

Visit our new exhibit at Revelstoke Museum & Archives and our online exhibit with the Virtual Museum of Canada at

Dr. John Woods, lead researcher and writer of Land of Thundering Snow presents the website at a launch event at Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre, March 4, 2015.

Dr. John Woods, lead researcher and writer of Land of Thundering Snow presents the website at a launch event at Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre, March 4, 2015.

Publications (en anglais seulement)

Snow War: the history of avalanches in Rogers Pass, BC 

Collecting and Preserving the History of Snow Avalanche Activity, Research and Safety in Canada